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werkplaats experimentele muziek en klankkunst
Circular Music by Jürg Frey with Stan Maris, 
Florence Cats, 
Michaël|le Grébil Liberg, 
Yannick Guédon, Clara Lévy, D’incise
07/09/2022 - 20h30 (doors 20h) - 5€

Circular Music :: Jürg Frey

performed by Stan Maris – accordéon, 
Florence Cats – theremin, 
Michaël|le Grébil Liberg – Cistre, 
Yannick Guédon – voix
, Clara Lévy – violon
, D’incise – electronic


Circular music and Extended Circular Music are series of pieces with open instrumentation where the musical material becomes a space framing silence, rather than a timeline. The open score gives room for the performers to take both collective and individual decisions while the listeners are invited to wander with their ears through Frey’s ephemeral sound edifices.


Q-O2 · Circularmusic by Jürg Frey 2022



>> Jürg Frey has developed his own language as a composer and sound artist with the creation of wide, quiet sound spaces. His work is marked by an elementary non-extravagence of sound, a sensibilty for the qualities of the material, and precision of compositional approach. Jürg Frey is a member of the Wandelweiser Komponisten Ensemble that gives concerts in Europe, North America and Japan.


>> Stan Maris is a Belgian accordionist and composer, mainly active in the jazz and improvised music scene.
Stan studied jazz accordion at the KASK in Ghent and the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, and was taught by Tuur Florizoone and Philippe Thuriot, among others.


>> Florence Cats is an artist and acupuncturist from brussels. her transversal work, tune into silence and space, has led her to initiate various projects, from writing to sound, image and mouvement, from installation to curation, edition and performance. Her current research for thermin and voice is inspired by natural radio.  In 2020-21 she curated three projects related to water, sign and transmutation, she released the collaborative album “Correspondances” on the label frisson and was part of the Asocial Telepathic Ensemble, an international project initiated by Brandon Labelle & Alessandra Eramo.


>>Michaël Grébil Liberg is a polymorphous worker in the tradition of the Trobars of yesteryear, whose research manifests itself as much through music as through the creation of dramaturgical, poetic and visual essays. In the past, he has worked as a performer of early music and has explored sound dramaturgy for theatre and dance. On stage he gives solo recitals as a performer and improviser. And so, it is in this psychic lair that a contemplation of the world is transfigured and sublimated, a melancholic meditation on the nature of Space-Time from the depths of the Unconscious, the Aura of works to be saved more than ever; not to lose the principle of Hope, in spite of everything.


>> Yannick Guédon is a French born composer, singer and performance artist. His work focuses on tiny variations of timbres, the inner pulsation sensations and subjective notions of time, silence and error. He pays particular attention to the place and context in which each musical situation is displayed.


>> Clara Levy, is a french violinist, based in Brussels since 2011.
Mostly active in the field of contemporary/experimental music, she holds the violin position within french ensemble Hanatsu Miroir and regularly collaborates with other european ensembles such as Ictus, Contemporary Insights, Ensemble 21, Ensemble Hopper. She is now touring within Europe with her latest solo project « 13 visions », a fictional encounter between Pauline Oliveros and Hildegard Von Bingen. It will be released in 2022 on the label « Discreet editions ».


>> D’incise (Laurent Peter), drifting musician, grew up in between dub sound system and experimental electronic music.
Sound explorer, he has no particular instrument, using whatever can be considered as such, softwares, recordings, objects, percussions, harmonium, etc.
He’s interested in radicalism, reductionnism, repetitions and conceptual approaches, building specific set-up for each new occasion, in improvised or composed context.
He tends to extract the most tiny details of the elements, appreciates slowness and obsessive explorations of simple processes. 
He’s, since many years with Cyril Bondi, behind the INSUB. label & orchestra, the Diatribes duo, and many other things, and does graphic designs.


Circular Music 2022

Paul Gründorfer - 19/6/24
Hannah Todt - 2/4/24
Reuben Da Rocha - 24/4/24

Q-O2 wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de VGC en de Europese Unie
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussel