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laboratoire de musique expérimentale et d’art sonore
21 Tracks for the 21st Century – Glean x Q-O2

21 Tracks for the 21st Century is a series of playlists organised as a collaboration between Glean and Q-O2. Each time, we invite one artist, thinker or musician to prepare a playlist of those sounds, songs and pieces of music that will best equip their listeners to approach what is left of this young century.

GLEAN is a Brussels-based contemporary art magazine. In the summer of 2023, the magazine changed its name. HART magazine, founded by Marc Ruyters in 2006, became GLEAN.

Listen to all the session HERE

Paul Gründorfer - 19/6/24
Hannah Todt - 2/4/24
Reuben Da Rocha - 24/4/24

Q-O2 reçoit le soutien de la Communauté Flamande, VGC et l'Union Européenne
Quai des charbonnages 30-34
B-1080 Bruxelles